How to Create an Interesting Instagram Bio

Written by Yudhis
on June 3, 2019

Bio is the part where you welcome people who visit your profile and make them interested to follow you.

The reason people want follow you is not because they want know more about you.

Remember, the rule number #1 in copywriting is:

No One Cares About You.

They dont care what menu you eat for breakfast. All they want is something that can benefit them.

That’s why, make sure your Instagram bio is interesting from the eyes of people who read it, so they will be interested and follow your account.

a. Tell them what you post and whtas the benefits

Don’t only tell them what you post, but also the benefitsthey get or feel from your post if they become your followers.

For example:

  • • “Funny videos everyday (what is posted). Surely will make you laugh your ass off (benefit).
  • “Daily fashion idea (what is posted) that will make you looks beautiful (benefit).”

To make it even more impressive, you can also add some transformations or positive changes that will happen from the given benefits.

For example:

  • "Indonesia cuisine recipe, (what is posted), daily inspiration for you to cook delicious and yummy food (benefits), so your husband will love you more (transformation)"

b. Introduce who you are, your profession, or what you do

For personal accounts:

Write down your profession or what you do. For example bloggers, marketers, doctors, coaches, photographers, architects, fitness instructor, etc.

basically people like to connect with those who have the similar profession.

Besides, if you are a professional or offering consulting (doctor, coach, lawyer, designer, architect, etc), your clients will know that you are the one they need if you write what you do clearly.

For a business account:

You can introduce your vision, mission, business value or product benefits. Keep it interesting from the reader eyes, so people will get your value right away.

One example of a bio for a good business is @unileveridn and @vanillahijab.

Unilever writes in their bio, they are not only posting the latest info about the company but also providing eco-friendly and social lifestyle tips. It’s compatible with their mission.

Vanillahijab is a brand that sells hijab. In the bio they tell 2 benefits:

  • For those who do not buy products, post Vanillahijab can be an inspiration for hijab style every day, through the tagline: "The inspiration of your day!"
  • For those who buy products in Vanillahijab, means participating in social charity.

C. Use Emoji on Bio, but not too much

Emoji can make your Instagram bio more "alive" and interesting. Here are some uses of emoji on Instagram bio:

  • Grabbing people’s attention. E.g
  • Giving emotions or expression. Like when you use smile emoji, it looks like you are a nice and friendly person.
  • Word replacement, so your bio will be shorter and simpler. For example for writing email, phone, location address, etc.
  • Become a bullet point symbol, for example,,
  • Clarify calls to action, for example: Click the link below

D. Concise and clear

You only have 150 characters here. If there is a lot of info you want to tell, you can write it in bullet points or list.

E. Include call to action.

For example:

  • "Follow us to get daily health tips"
  • "Download healthy recipe at the following link"
  • "Use hashtag #youbrandtag to be featured."
  • "Add our Line @youbusinessline."