The importance of Creating Beautiful Instagram Profiles

Written by Yudhis
on June 2, 2019

No matter what kind of business you are running, you need followers that might be your future-customers, don’t you? Because the more followers you have, the more people that might buy your products.

There are many strategies to get a lot of followers on Instagram from using unethical auto follow-unfollow bot, using influencer endorsement service, to using paid promote through Instagram ads.

But before you try those growth strategies, the first thing you have to do is creating Instagram profile thatlooks beautiful and interesting.

It is the most important Foundation to get more followers on Instagram.

First impression matters. According to Forbes, our brains only needs 7 seconds to form an impression about strangers we’ve just met, and this affects our decision and action towards those persons.

That also happens on Instagram. Your Instagram account is a “stranger” for your future-followers.

Your Instagram profile page is the first thing they will see They just stopped by 1-2 seconds, before finally deciding to follow or ignore you.

That’s why, make sure that your Instagram profile can grab anyone’s attention and make them interested in you.